Kaksisuuntaiset ry in English

Kaksisuuntaiset ry (”Bipolars registered association”) is a Finnish association for people suffering from bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder, and their relatives. Kaksisuuntaiset ry aims to enhance the societal conditions of people with bipolar or schizoaffective disorder and to minimize the stigma related to mental illnesses. The association is located in Helsinki but operates nation-wide throughout the whole of Finland. Kaksisuuntaiset ry organizes open support groups in several locations in different parts of Finland and a chat support group available to anyone. We organize events and publish public statements, a blog, member letters and social media posts in our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. The number of members has been between 150 and 200 in the recent years. 75% of our members are women and the average age of members is 46 years. Kaksisuuntaiset ry is a NGO funded by member fees and public support.